Jeff Bezos Testosterone Therapy

TRT, or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, has increased nearly 40% in men during 2013, from 1.3 million prescriptions to 2.3 million. With this increase, there has also been an increase in papers discussing the treatment’s detrimental side effects.

The problem, of course, is that these unfavorable articles focus on the negative while ignoring the enormous benefit that TRT delivers to men in their 40s, 50s, and 60s who are suffering from a wide range of health issues, including ED, decreased energy, lethargy, weight gain, decreased libido, and more.

What is Testosterone

What is Testosterone?

Both humans and animals produce the hormone testosterone. In men, the testicles are the principal generator of testosterone. Women’s ovaries generate testosterone as well, albeit in much lesser amounts.

Testosterone production increases during adolescence and subsequently begins to drop after the age of 30.

Testosterone is frequently associated with sexual desire and is required for sperm production. It also affects bone and muscle mass, male fat storage, and even red blood cell formation.

A man’s testosterone levels may also influence his mood.

A simple blood test can be used to detect testosterone levels. The levels of testosterone in the bloodstream can range from normal to healthy.

Normal male testosterone levels range between 280 and 1,100 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) for adult males and between 15 and 70 ng/dL for adult females, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center.

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Because lab ranges differ, it’s vital to talk to your doctor about your results.

If an adult male’s testosterone levels are less than 300 ng/dL, a doctor may undertake a workup to determine the source of low testosterone, according to the American Urological Association.

Low testosterone levels could be an indication of pituitary gland dysfunction. The pituitary gland produces a hormone that instructs the testicles to produce more testosterone.

In an adult man, a low T test result could suggest that the pituitary gland is not working properly. In contrast, a young teenager with low testosterone levels may experience delayed puberty.

Men with somewhat elevated testosterone levels may have few obvious signs. Boys with high testosterone levels may experience early puberty. Women who have high testosterone levels may exhibit masculine traits.

An adrenal gland issue or testicular malignancy can cause abnormally high testosterone levels.

High testosterone levels can also emerge in less serious situations. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which can affect both males and females, is an unusual but common cause of excessive testosterone production.

If you have abnormally high testosterone levels, your doctor may order more tests to establish the cause.

The Facts About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The problem with these articles is that they are incorrect. As one modern-day giant put it, “actions speak louder than words,” and while you’re on TRT, every day is Day 1.

Jeff Bezos understands that testosterone reduces body fat and is necessary for the regulation of insulin, glucose, and fat storage. As testosterone levels fall, so does your body’s capacity to process insulin, glucose, and fat. In short, a fall in testosterone levels causes an increase in fat storage.

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Insulin production is also important for lowering inflammation as you age, which scientists believe is a factor in many disease processes and the primary source of joint discomfort. Increased testosterone dramatically reduces inflammation.

The testosterone molecule, being the most important muscle building (i.e. anabolic) hormone, is the foundation of muscle, strength, and the source of what makes men powerful and youthful. When paired with an adequate diet and weight training routine, testosterone enhances muscle protein synthesis, resulting in increased muscular gain.

There is also a plethora of current research indicating that maintaining adequate testosterone levels can help avoid cardiovascular disease and even improve heart health!

Testosterone can also assist you in achieving your life objectives because this crucial male hormone aids in brain development and function throughout a man’s life. Testosterone influences amygdala and prefrontal cortex responses (2 key parts of the brain involved in regulating emotional responses and reactions). According to research, normal testosterone levels are related with higher risk-taking, which could lead to better reward in both business and life.

What does this mean?

Testosterone can improve your intelligence. According to research, elderly men with minor cognitive difficulties have decreased testosterone levels in their blood. Unfortunately, many of these guys suffer Alzheimer’s disease later in life. The good news is that researchers at the University of Southern California discovered that raising testosterone levels in elderly men slowed the progression of this dreadful disease. Scientists are now speculating that maintaining adequate testosterone levels may actually prevent Alzheimer’s disease. There is also strong evidence that the hormone can improve both long-term and short-term memory in males as they age.

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In a nutshell. Don’t be that person.

But, seriously. Don’t be like this person.

Can Testosterone Really Help People Become Safer from Harm?

Multiple research on older men have found that decreased testosterone levels are connected with poorer skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength, physical function, bone mineral density, and an increased risk of fractures and death. Furthermore, because testosterone is inextricably related to bone health, low testosterone levels obviously induce bone disease in men.

Men with bone disease typically have low testosterone levels, which leads to weakness in old age. Let’s be honest: no man wants to end up with a damaged hip or spine that severely limits his range of motion later in life. No man wants to be a shadow of his former self, unable to move and stuck in a rocking chair.

Increasing testosterone levels may thus preserve a man’s physique wheelchair-proof for a considerably longer period of time. This is because optimal blood testosterone levels promote bone density and prevent age-related bone resorption concerns (i.e. breakdown and destruction of bone tissue).

TRT advantages outweigh disadvantages

Why would you not want to optimize testosterone levels after reading and seeing all of the benefits of TRT, as well as all of the studies with large quantities of supporting literature?


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